A new ambulance donated by the Neri Group

A new ambulance donated by the Neri Group A new ambulance donated by the Neri Group

The sirens and the high jets of water turned to the sky by two tugs of the Neri Group in front of Terrazza Mascagni greeted the ribbon cutting for the new ambulance (number 55) of the Società Volontaria Soccorso.

The presence at sea of the two tugboats was not accidental: the new rescue service unit of the Public Assistance in fact bears the name of  Tito Neri, founder of the company, and represents a donation of the Neri family to the Public Assistance of Livorno. “To his memory – said Piero Neri – is dedicated this gift from the Neri family. And when I talk about family, I’m not just referring to family members who are numerous here. I also see our collaborators numerous. Here, I speak of family as a family ideally extended to all the workers of our companies. This gift comes from all of them”.

The occasion for the delivery of the new vehicle was offered by today’s “Giornata del dono” organized by the Public Assistenza at Terrazza Mascagni.

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